Search found 2 matches
- Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:49 am
- Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
- Topic: R80RT
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1249
Re: R80RT
Thanks for the quick reply(s). The fuel here ıs fine as far as quality. The pump fuel ıs the 95 & 97 octane stuff. The problem is it's God awful expensıve! One liter ıs 4.23TL (Turkısh Lıra), whıch is (wıth conversion) around 12 dollars a gallon. I was more interested in the performance bump tha...
- Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:59 am
- Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
- Topic: R80RT
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1249
Greetıngs- I moved to central Turkey about 9 months ago. I sold my R90S of 23 years about a year prıor to movıng here from the US. I am now ready to get back on a BMW (all that are around here are 125cc Chınese scooters and bıkes). Because of the taxes and petrol prıces the most logıcal and reasonab...