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by Lang
Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:12 pm
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: Really stupid noob tach question
Replies: 4
Views: 1789

Re: Really stupid noob tach question

Much thanks - seems an odd way to have it set up but I understand and it is the only way the numbers make sense.
by Lang
Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:40 pm
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: Really stupid noob tach question
Replies: 4
Views: 1789

Really stupid noob tach question

I put a /5 speedo/tach on the /2 conversion I just finished building. This is my first BMW and the tach has me a little perplexed. Where is 1000 rpm? There are tick marks at increments of 500 rpms and 2 tick marks before 2000 rpm. Those marks I would think would be 0 rpm and 500 rpm but that' can't ...
by Lang
Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:21 am
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: Intro + Help with my custom wiring diagram
Replies: 5
Views: 1190

Re: Intro + Help with my custom wiring diagram

Thanks Chuey, I figure this is the type of topic that's not going to attract a lot of response, so I won't take it personally :) All three of the reg/rec instructions I saw had the orange wire going straight to the ignition switch, and not using the indicator. I"m wondering if I can still use t...
by Lang
Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:42 pm
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: Intro + Help with my custom wiring diagram
Replies: 5
Views: 1190

Re: Intro + Help with my custom wiring diagram

Thanks Duane, why wouldn't you fuse the ignition? I thought it was odd that BMW didn't do it, but I wondered if I might be missing something. EDIT: Originally I thought I wanted to use the /2 headlight bucket but I quickly found out why most folks use /5 bucket on a conversion. I'm glad I did it too.
by Lang
Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:26 pm
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: Intro + Help with my custom wiring diagram
Replies: 5
Views: 1190

Intro + Help with my custom wiring diagram

Hey all, I didn't see a place to do intros, so I'll do it here. I'm 37 and live in the Philadelphia, Pa area. I recently bought a 1966 r50/2 roller and a 1974 r90/6 engine to go in it. This is my first BMW and it's a dream I've been trying to fulfill for years. I've ridden all of my life and built s...