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by Byron1
Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:52 pm
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: R100rs driveshaft / final drive melt down
Replies: 5
Views: 981

Re: R100rs driveshaft / final drive melt down

Hi everyone. Thanks so much for all of the help and assistance offered. Very greatly appreciated. I've found somewhere I can stop and have a more detailed look so will do that and fix whatever I find. If any of you guys are ever in the UK, be sure to look me up or email on ...
by Byron1
Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:59 pm
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: R100rs driveshaft / final drive melt down
Replies: 5
Views: 981

R100rs driveshaft / final drive melt down

Hi everyone, My girlfriend and I are currently on a round the world trip on our trusty 1979 R100rs. So far we have driven from Alaska to New York without too many problems. However today I gave the bike a service and changed the oils. I noticed that when I changed the oil in the drive shaft there wa...