She'llbe wrote:I'd be interested in some more parts for my /6 project.
Let me know what you are after and I'll try to help if I can. A few bits and pieces I will be keeping for spares (gearbox's, probably engine) but most of it will be going. Some of my stuff is not /6- indicators, frame... some of it is a bit rough or even buggered- headers, etc... but I might be able to help.
justoneoftheguys wrote:As long as the small ratio numbers at the 6 o'clock position on the dial face match, you are good.
But, due to the HP differences, the R80G/S may have a different final drive ratio than the R65.
SteveD wrote:The pn's for the 80 v the 65 are different, so they're not a direct swap. However, once you open yours up, you may find lots of corroded/damaged/kaput intrinsic pieces in there, so the bits and pieces from the 65 speedo might be useful if needing to substitute parts. Re: ratio's etc, I guess a decent eyeball comparison of small parts should alert to differences.
That makes sense, thanks. The number wheel for the trip meter is actually rusted in place. Maybe I should go see If i can get the speedo off. Sounds like a good job for a lazy day in front of the heater.
Hans, I've just found the box with the bits. The workings are clean and spin.
There is a speedo face, the glass cover with rubber seal, and a less than pristine circumference rim.
There's a few other little bits and pieces too.
Cheers Steve,
I've just pulled out my speedo- looking a bit rough in there. Lots of rust. The axle for the odometer (with the worm drive gear on the end) had slid out of its place- hence why that probably stopped working. The little coil spring thing under the speedo needle was all twisted up and buggered- hence why that was doing laps? I'm about to bring it inside for further dismantling on the coffee table, and photos will follow. Might be repairable? Dunno. All the metal gearing will require a good dismatling and clean.
Back soon.
this worm drive gear thingy is both stripped on both ends of the plastic (right) and siezed where the metal shaft has rusted and expanded (left)
Also, visible in the background, the hole where it screws and fixes onto the unit is split.
the odometer actually spins freely (once that axle was reinserted) but I can't figure out how I would fit a new coil spring thing (for under the speedo needle) if I could even get one. The toothed little top cog where the needle slides onto doesn't want to come off- and I can't figure out how one could only replace the spring... maybe it needs more force, or just a whole new unit.
lastly, the shaft that runs through the white cogs for the trip meter is rusted and siezed- none of the cogs can spin. Again, this looks a bit hard to replace on its own without swapping in a whole trip meter section. The trip meter reset button seems repairable with a new spring, though the shaft that the reset mechanism rides on is also rusted badly, but now de-seized.
So, there are a few bits that are OK, but most it seems are knackered.
G'day Hans, Nice score there, I was thinking about one of those until I saw what they were asking so ended up with
the R80. With your speedo you could soak the rusty parts in some citric acid, it's on the shelves with flour,
baking powder, etc in the supermarket, just an idea that I've used, good luck.
Gday Bob, thanks mate, good to hear from you. I too was looking for one of these bikes before I ended up with the R90, for the same reason. Then came the plans to build the spares bike (parts pile) I got with the R90 into some sort of GS frankenbeemer thing. Until I found this one, that was the way I was heading, and it wouldn't have been cheap, or easy (for me), or quick. Now it is just rebuild this one (not restore) and I am much more comfortable with that.
I've been digging a tiny bit deeper into things today and it is looking quite optimistic. Electrics are all pretty damn good, a few connections I may want to re-crimp and/or shrink wrap, aside from a general clean up, but over-all it looks all original and un-molested- a nice change compared to my R90!
The starter motor has 'Good' written on top of it, which to my imagination would probably be a replacement part, possibly while it was in Ross G's care. After I queried the non-matching numbers, the previous owner recalled that the engine and gearbox were a recent swap in before he bought it, so may have only 3 or so years of riding on them. Previous owner didn't do his own maintenance but rather took it to Ross G. Thats good! I've seen very few signs of the DIY hammer and chisel type butchering that so many of our bikes suffer from.
The aluminium corrosion is coming off, with a bit of work, and the pitting left is minimal. Quite a nice patina. Head and barrels are the most difficult. I had a good stab at one side today, with vast improvement, but it needs a fair bit more work.
Starter motor cover and timing cover (when I check out the timing chain) will need a blast and repaint. Other than that the rest of the metal is going to have to be happy with a cleaning by hand. One day I might look at getting rest of it blasted, not yet though- I don't want to pull it apart that far yet.
For the speedo, the citric acid might be worth a try on the less rusty bits if I can find some other parts to rebuild it. The really bad bits, such as the seized pin axle things, appear so badly rusted that there won't be enough good metal left if the rust gets removed.
back to work tomorrow, next weekend is taken up with commitments, then the one after that is the next rally I think...
Gotta squeeze a few more days off in soon.
Oh yeah, and I think I have settled on the round valve covers.
The little spring that attaches to the needle is a critical part...better to get a new assembly for that.
If only a piece of tape had been put over the hole....Or a plastic bag over the whole thing!!