Boxerworks is up again, hurray

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Duane Ausherman
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Boxerworks is up again, hurray

Post by Duane Ausherman »

I am glad to see things are working again.

Been working on my website to bring it up to modern standards.

It will take me 3-4 months to get it finished, so please be patient. One can still go to my old site. It won't go away anytime soon.
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Re: Boxerworks is up again, hurray

Post by Airbear »

Good to see you made it back here again, Duane.

So how do you go about bringing your website up to 'modern standards'? I guess we don't need photo and diagram 'thumbnails' any more - the internet is faster and cheaper. There are also many more resources available - YouTube videos are out there for almost any aspect of Airhead care and feeding and there are informative 'build threads' on the various forums.

Your website was the first thing I found on the 'net when I bought my R90 15 years ago. I still make use of it and refer others to it. It is an important legacy for bikes of that era. I look forward to seeing the results of your refurbishment. If you need photos, diagrams, other info or proof-readers I'm sure inmates here will be happy to help.
and Brunhilde - 1974 R90/6

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The Veg
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Re: Boxerworks is up again, hurray

Post by The Veg »

Hi Duane! Good seeing you back here too!
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Re: Boxerworks is up again, hurray

Post by grant81rs »

Hi Duane, Well back.

I have been riding my ole 78 a little and those fork stanchions you set over to Oz are working lovely.

Your website, best of luck with that rebuild, is frustrating stuff :)
Cheers, Grant
Gippsland - Australia

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Re: Boxerworks is up again, hurray

Post by Ridercam »

Yay! Missed this section of frontage road on the super highway.
I always brake in corners and think how I am going to get home if I really mess up. When I get home, I wished that I hadn't used my brakes and should have ridden a bit further.
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