What's he gone & done now!

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What's he gone & done now!

Post by DucatiPete »

Hi guys ('n grls... I'm sure there's some lurking, at least),
Well i did a job i wasn't supposed to and was paid money i wasn;'t expecting... so what to do? To the toy shop, of course.
I been wanting an RS for some time now but have never had the wherewithall. But last week it all came together and look what i picked up!
RS-CradleMtn.jpg (108.93 KiB) Viewed 2303 times
(This taken on the ride home.) As you can see it's ex Tassie... I flew down there last week paid a bit too much and rode her home. Alegedly done 109k kms, but i suspect a lot more. Basically it shows it's age with everything that can be worn out being just that... BUT the engine, trans and drive line are sweet as and it's all there... Now let the spending begin! (already been to moto-bins for some 'essentials).
Why do i do these things? :roll:
... A 'new ride to the alpine, perhaps!
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Re: What's he gone & done now!

Post by SteveD »

Congrats Pete. Welcome to the club.

We'll have to make some space in the line up!


I'll need some more pix o'course...http://community.webshots.com/album/576220033hRQMfE
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

1982 R100RSR100RS supergallery. https://boxerboy81.smugmug.com/R100RS
2006 K1200R.
1994 R1100GS.
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Re: What's he gone & done now!

Post by ME 109 »

Well then Pete, aint that nice! :mrgreen:

Ashly, there is a position vacant for an RS at the Alpine rally.................seein' as Ken bought an 1150 GS.

I asked him what he was gonna ride to the alpine...... he had a hard time answering.

He feels he's deserting the squadron.
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Re: What's he gone & done now!

Post by grant81rs »

Gidda fellas,

Ah to have a choice of what bike to ride where! ya lucky buggars.

Pete NICE choice mate... Any RS is a good RS
Cheers, Grant
Gippsland - Australia

1978 R100RS
1981 R100RS
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Re: What's he gone & done now!

Post by DucatiPete »

I keep forgetting my thumb drive so i can post more piccy's... I'm at work (shh, don't tell anyone...).
M'bins is already doin' quite nicely outta me - another order off tonight (sigh).
Was all set to go for a ride today, after a little fettling - before the rain set in, or was that sleet!
Looking at the latest forecasts it still might be a couple of days before i can get out without freezing some nuts off (note: my home weather is ~same as for Ballarat... ie brrrr!)
So Ken got the GS, not Adv? It;s a funny 'ol world!
Say, youse RSers what's with that friggin side stand!? Unfortunately mine didn't come with an operators manual, so if you could enlighten me on how to use it that'd be might nice, thanks.
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Re: What's he gone & done now!

Post by SteveD »

Sidestand...practice. It's a joy isn't it!
Slight lean of the bike to the right, heel on lever, push out then forward with your toes. Place bike bike carefully to the left.

Otherwise, get off the bike, deploy with foot. If loaded, it's easier and safer to do it whilst on the bike.

Replace with Surefoot asap. UKP58 + UK post.

How is the wind noise and buffeting at the helmet?
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

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Re: What's he gone & done now!

Post by Ross »

Best thing I did to my LT was put a sure foot on it. See this for fitting etc write up I did... http://rossmz.blogspot.com/2008/07/on-sure-footing.html
Me wittle bit of the web........http://rossmz.blogspot.com/
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Re: What's he gone & done now!

Post by DucatiPete »

Thanks for the suggestions Steve/Ross... and i thought it was just me!
Looks like m'bins will be seeing even more of me cash before too long.
Re: "How is the wind noise and buffeting at the helmet?"
Buffeting seems OK, but wind noise is substantial (though not unbareable, as i use ear plugs).
That being said I haven't ridden it since Saturday,so I'll pay more attention on the next outing (weather permitting).
I've got a couple of days off early next week. I'm hoping to get away for a quick few hundred k's (praying for a break in the clouds).
I've done just about as much fiddling as i can manage without new parts, cabin fever will be setting in before too long.
Let me outta here!
Oh, and forgot the thumb drive again... sorry, the pics will have to wait.
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Re: What's he gone & done now!

Post by SteveD »

You found that thumb drive yet?
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

1982 R100RSR100RS supergallery. https://boxerboy81.smugmug.com/R100RS
2006 K1200R.
1994 R1100GS.
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Re: What's he gone & done now!

Post by ME 109 »

Ken bought a GS SE
Adventure tank, gearbox, screen.
GS two piece seat.
It looks quite good.
Lord of the Bings
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