Cranky when Cold

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Duane Ausherman
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Re: Cranky when Cold

Post by Duane Ausherman »

Try this test.

Get it running. Before opening the throttle, do a 2 second tickle. Then open the throttle a bit, but only for a couple of seconds. If you hold it open longer, then it runs lean again.

You can even tickle the left carb while operating the throttle with the right hand. Then put it in gear and while doing that, tickly the right carb. Now pull out in 1st and quickly reach down and tickle the left side.

If this works, then you are lean and need to fix it.
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Re: Cranky when Cold

Post by boxerengines »

I did not change points and condenser. Guess that is worth a shot. What is the feeling on the electronic ignition replacements that are out there?

Am I getting too far off topic?
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George Ryals
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Re: Cranky when Cold

Post by George Ryals »

I would try raising the needles one notch to richen up the mixture just off idle when it starts to get on the needle.
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Duane Ausherman
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Re: Cranky when Cold

Post by Duane Ausherman »

I highly doubt that your problem is ignition. The battery coil type ignition works just great.
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Re: Cranky when Cold

Post by boxerengines »

So I raised the needles one notch and that seems to have really helped. It was on the second notch from the top and I moved it to the third notch from the top. Even after idling only 30 seconds or so I was able to get up the hill where the bike refused to climb before. I haven't tried it when the bike was hot (a long ride) to see if it still remains good in that condition.
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