/5 oil questions

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Re: /5 oil questions

Post by Unclviny »

Thanks all,
I went with a new Mac-sump, $94.50 and adds 2 Quarts to the system.

I had a growing list of /5 things that needed attention so I spent yesterday working on it and I'm headed to the Shop for round 2 (new starter switch, fix the horn and size the flasher-relay and turn-signal bulbs for LED's).

1973-1/2 BMW R75/5 (LWB)
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Re: /5 oil questions

Post by mattcfish »

Unclviny wrote:Thanks for the link! I would not have checked with Mac for a sump.
Those pans look good, add more oil than and are 1/2 the price of the other one.

I'll probably order one tomorrow.

A word of caution. Clean the threads and use heavy strength Loc-tite on the 2 oil pick-up bolts.
The ones on my friends bike unscrewed themselves and he destroyed his bottom end.
When I rebuilt it for him I used Loc-tite and threaded stainless wire through the caps to reassure him the disaster would never occur again.
Bellingham, WA USA
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Re: /5 oil questions

Post by Motorhead »

as I experment with My BMW

I tried many many BMW models ideas on my bike and as we talk about the deeper sump heres my .02

I got a /7 sump and all the pieces for a deeper sump I even got extra gaskets and I felt Blue loctite enough for the job

I first tried a extra qt which went the way all 1/2 qt goes only further to finally rest full capsity of 1.5 so I took the later stick to measure correctly

BUT at the 2 Qts I use at chage the trip to the usuall 1/2 stick or 1.5 went a little slower so even at 900cc and stock there is not enough air space in the crank to keep the system stable with a full load of oil
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