Krauser bags and signal stalk clearance

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Krauser bags and signal stalk clearance

Post by vespajg »

When I hook up my HB/Krauser bags, the bags rub/hit my signal housing. While this is generally not a problem, I have now installed the correct signal housings for my 71 /5 complete with OEM small side reflectors. The extra ~1/2 inch makes the bags not fit. Any other solutions out there besides chopping an inch off of the signal stalks to give me more clearance for the bags? FWIW, I had to do the same thing with a set of Krausers on an r65 I once owned. Seems like I might be missing a step if both bikes lacked adequate clearance...

Thx in advance.
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Re: Krauser bags and signal stalk clearance

Post by Garnet »

Krauser bags where not available till 73 or 74 so they probably did not take into account the 71 only US only reflectors.

I have seen narrower rear signal mounts listed on someone's online catalog, but can't remeber whom's.

old R90 guy
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Re: Krauser bags and signal stalk clearance

Post by old R90 guy »

My krauser bags have the Krauser, not BMW brackets. The bracket that holds the bags themselves includes a separate bracket/attachment that re-locates the turn signals further outboard. Never paid attention to the BMW brackets.
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