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Post by dougie »

Quite often there are questions that I, and perhaps others, might be able to answer or help with.
BUT WE CAN'T because we don't know or can't remember which model everybody has.
Some bikes, like Jeff's bullet-riddled multi-peened 'roo-proofed RS are infamous well known.
As an example - if I ask you how to check my wheel bearings, without mentioning that it is an '87 Monolever, some kind soul will waste his time explaining bearing pre-load to me.
Answers I can give -
what compression reading should I get? - - - "your compression should be high but not too high"
what clutch cable should I get? - - - "one that is long enough but not too long"
where can I get a coil for my airhead? - - - "off the space shuttle when it goes to the wrecker"
:roll: :roll: :roll:
So many things are unanswerable without specific details.
Perhaps there should be a spot in "User Profile".
I've spent most of my money on women, motorcycles, and beer.
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Ken in Oklahoma
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Re: WHAT BIKE IS IT ??? !!!

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

Both excellent suggestions Dougie, both mentioning the year and model of Beemer and a listing in the profile. Unfortunately I just don't see it happening. As a moderator I'm often the first to see a newbie post. Typically they are short, as in, "My bike only runs on one cylinder. Any ideas on the problem?" I've seen a poster or two saying that they are keeping the post brief, so they don't burdening the reader.

But if I'm wrong I'd also like the posters to include any recent history on the bike, including any recent maintenance or repairs done to it.

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Re: WHAT BIKE IS IT ??? !!!

Post by dougie »

Ken in Oklahoma wrote: including any recent maintenance or repairs done to it.
Yes - the always important "What was the last thing you did, changed, etc."
I've spent most of my money on women, motorcycles, and beer.
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Re: WHAT BIKE IS IT ??? !!!

Post by Garnet »

How the heck am I supposed to remeber all the things I screwed up modified on my basterdized finley hand crafted /2 conversion? :oops:

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Re: WHAT BIKE IS IT ??? !!!

Post by dougie »

Garnet wrote:How the heck am I supposed to remeber all the things I screwed up modified on my basterdized finley hand crafted /2 conversion? :oops:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by vanzen »

What ain't ?

State your case – EXPLICITLY.
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Good Point Dougie.

Post by Sunbeem »

My things fallen off the wiggly bit.
Do they all do this ?


PS. Should I look behind the fridge ?
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Re: Symptoms only, please. Keep it fun.

Post by Chuey »

My bike only runs on two cylinders. Is this normal?

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Re: Good Point Dougie.

Post by Garnet »

Sunbeem wrote:
PS. Should I look behind the fridge ?
Only if you have a cat.

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Re: Symptoms only, please. Keep it fun.

Post by Garnet »

Chuey wrote:My bike only runs on two cylinders. Is this normal?

TWO! that's better than mine.


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