Front mud guard fastenings .

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Re: Front mud guard fastenings .

Post by DanielMc »

wirewrkr wrote:I say it because it's true.
They are approximately .25" wider.
Not only that, but the R65 is of a COMPLETELY different design.
Upper and lower yokes both being of cast aluminum, whereas the ST and G/S were
similar in that they were very similar in design to the standard big twin bikes from 1970-1984.
As a matter of fact they share the same dimensions center to center. The upper is the same type of flat steel as these bikes as well.
I think you could be right after all... I could have sworn that the ST used the alloy yokes but I think I remember working on one and noting the flat steel top yoke like you mention. Apologies for the confusion.

What this does mean is that if Sibbo's ST uses a GS bottom yoke he should be able to simply bolt a GS mudguard onto it. How's that for a silver lining...
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers might not be able to tell the difference." Samuel Clemens
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Re: Front mud guard fastenings .

Post by wirewrkr »

the two are nearly identical, but the part number is actually different, it may not have the 4 5mm holes tapped for the high fender. but that's an easily remedied problem.
the parts are physically the same, just the lack of the machining can change the part number.
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