Where to get FD/Wheel spline work done in OZ?

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Where to get FD/Wheel spline work done in OZ?

Post by DucatiPete »

Hi ppl,
when i put new tyres on the RS the other day i noticed the FD spline was worn... %?
well, after looking at the FD worn thread below i'd say, AT LEAST 50%... , possibly 70 :?
so... who does this work in this land downunder?
Has anyone here in OZ had it done, if so, where and how'd it go, ie results/price/time etc?
I reckon at a pinch i could prolly do it myself, but i'd like to know if i *really* have to consider this.
thanks in advance fellow OZ boxheds,
ME 109
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Re: Where to get FD/Wheel spline work done in OZ?

Post by ME 109 »

Check BM Cycles in Ringwood, or Munich.
Ken Had his done by Munich a few years ago, quick turn around. Can't remember $ tho'
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Re: Where to get FD/Wheel spline work done in OZ?

Post by SteveD »

An ol' friend of Grants, who lives not far from Charlie and Jeff...Rick. He can take your used spline, rebuild it and cut it to size. He has done one for me which I haven't used yet, and he's done one for Charlie. If you give him your wheel, he can do the spline to fit the wear. $200.
I'll email his phone number.

You'll need to pull it all out and send it to him.

Otherwise, get quotes from BM Motorcycles, Munich, Motohansa and BM Workshop.

Roy Gavin might know someone in SA?
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

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Re: Where to get FD/Wheel spline work done in OZ?

Post by DucatiPete »

This Rick bloke sounds the biz (at least the price sounds OK)... so... he builds them up with weld then re-machines, yeah?
I take it you send him the spline (removed from the FD) and if you give him a new wheel cup he'll cut the spline to suit?
Does/can he rivet/bolt the wheels cups in too? That'd be a nice complete solution.
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Re: Where to get FD/Wheel spline work done in OZ?

Post by SteveD »

DucatiPete wrote:This Rick bloke sounds the biz (at least the price sounds OK)... so... he builds them up with weld then re-machines, yeah? YEP
I take it you send him the spline (removed from the FD) YEP and if you give him a new wheel cup he'll cut the spline to suit? YEP
Does/can he rivet/bolt the wheels cups in too? That'd be a nice complete solution. DUNNO. WORTH ASKING.
Rick lives in Gerogery, maybe 20-25 miles north of Jeff's.
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

1982 R100RSR100RS supergallery. https://boxerboy81.smugmug.com/R100RS
2006 K1200R.
1994 R1100GS.
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