Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by moosehead »

I picked up a used unit on buy/sell site which came in its original box from Uli Motorradladen in Germany. Fellow had tried on his R25 but not work due to advance degree he required. It is the same unit Stephen B referred to in earlier posts as possible substitution for the oiginal Omega. Here's a pic of the unit:

It looks just like the Omega but the "black box" processing unit is bigger and beefier. They are avilable for 216 EU (no VAT) + ship from Ulis Motorradladen. See Stephen B's link in his earlier post..I bought for $150 CDN used.
Plan on installing this week and see how it goes. Well, at least I will be firing up engine but clutch and tranny are out right now so won't be going anywhere with it. All instructions in German but able to cobble up translation from my wife, a neighbour and google. Little sketchy on setting adnace degree but guess that will be trial and error.

Been redoing a 78 R100/7 which has a pretty knackered points system so was going to install this unit to get it up and running.

Will see how it goes and if OK I really want to mount on my 77RS.

Idea of maybe mounting processing block outside front cover for cooling etc I might try. Don't think where located should be an issue to functionality but would have to be weather protected. I'll maybe mount first under front cover then try mounting point (weather protected) under the gas tank somewhere? Would involve splicing in longer wire leads between pick up unit and processor. Would run length of wires affect functionality? Maybe go with one size bigger wire in longer run so no slow down in electrons? Don't know but any electronic gurus out there give me some advice... ;)
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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by Garnet »

The signal that comes from the pickup is a low amperage sine wave and does not need a thick wire. BUT your splices must be top notch so that there is no resistance across them.

I would go with soldered butt connectors with double shrink warpping over them. Make sure that the splices will be in a location where the wires will be in a straight run when mounted on the bike. A solderd connection is not flexable and it is not uncommon for wires to break right next to the solder if any vibration is present.

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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by Chuey »

Garnet wrote:The signal that comes from the pickup is a low amperage sine wave and does not need a thick wire. BUT your splices must be top notch so that there is no resistance across them.

I would go with soldered butt connectors with double shrink warpping over them. Make sure that the splices will be in a location where the wires will be in a straight run when mounted on the bike. A solderd connection is not flexable and it is not uncommon for wires to break right next to the solder if any vibration is present.
Good info, thanks. One thing I do is when I'm splicing multiple wires, I stagger where the splices are so I don't have a big blob of splices all together in one spot.

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Re: Omega Electronic ignition module...NLA!!

Post by moosehead »

Thanks Garnet for the wiring info. I've used those soldered butt connectors in the past. Think I got them at Radio Shack (The Souce now) never senthem anywhere else.

I first will mount under the front cover for now. This bike's not going to see the road for awhile as I need to replace clutch (splines spun). More just to get the bike running for now. Have to do a rear main seal and oil pump seal up yet as well...just waiting on a tool from my friend to install the seal. So we'll see how it goes.

If all is well I really want to put this ignition unit on my 77RS..that will be nice, but, as everythng on thais bike is original (1 owner for 30 years) I'm wondering if changing anything from stock is not the right thing to do in terms of value in the future? (I think this is probablyanother thread?) It runs great now.
Retired from work....not life!
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