Chuey,Chuey wrote:On my 1984 R100RS, The Captain, the starter is kind of thrashy sounding. One thing that I think may be happening is that it may not be releasing from the flywheel as soon as it should. Is there something I can lube to help that? When I met him a few years ago, Major Softie suggested that I lube something but what is it?
I tried to stop and visit you, but you weren't open, yet...I bought some grips from the cycle shop down the street...
You can do a ghetto lube that helps some starters...remove it from the bike, lean it against something so that you can soak the bushing in the end (the nose end) in a small puddle of oil. That is, put about a 2cm of oil in a peanut butter lid and prop the starter so the nose bushing is submerged in that oil. Let it sit for a day or two, then wipe off the excess. This won't fix a truly knackered bushing, but can quiet down a dirty bushing. Regular use helps, too...maybe swap it into a bike that gets ridden more?