first one is for a /5 or /6, not sure who made it, could be an early Surefoot. The second one does look like a surefoot, but i am not sure if they made them for /2s.
Replica 1070 R90/S (based on 82 RT)
1975 R90/6
That's my best pic of the Surefoot hinge detail Tim.
I think your top one has a home-made leg, on the other, the leg looks machined and bracket looks shady.
The welding technique employed for both is usually referred to as "Bird-shit."
OK, I did a Google of all things Surefoot and they sure do resemble a lot of them, mostly in the pivot area. They may have been modified, while the main welds look OK close up, the bent rod thingy on the first one is globbed on. Garnet, I'm curious, what about that second one makes you think it's for /2 ?
I remember seeing one like it over on the Classic forum many years back. The only difference between mounting it on a /2 and a /5 is the location of the exhaust. If I remember correctly, the /2 exhaust tucks in to the frame closer than the /5 and later. So now that I look at it again it may not fit a /2 as it would interfere with the exhaust.
That's my best pic of the Surefoot hinge detail Tim.
I think your top one has a home-made leg, on the other, the leg looks machined and bracket looks shady.
The welding technique employed for both is usually referred to as "Bird-shit."
That's my best pic of the Surefoot hinge detail Tim.
I think your top one has a home-made leg, on the other, the leg looks machined and bracket looks shady.
The welding technique employed for both is usually referred to as "Bird-shit."
Aren't those MIG welds?
Bottom one looks like arc, top one looks like mig. Then again the bottom one could be mig and the top one arc
It's difficult to tell from way over down here.
Either way it looks like bird of paradise shit.
(compared to common bird shit)
Check your's out against these ones on Snowbum's site (Brown, Surefoot and Farley) I have a Brown on 2 of my bikes and love it. Just goota remember to kick it up before "take off " or it will be "lift off"!