Sports Mufflers

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ME 109
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Re: Sports Mufflers

Post by ME 109 »

Another vote for Staintune straight through.
My brother has them on his 81 RS and the note is excellent.
Loud enough, without being too loud.............and potentially annoying on a long ride.

Dunno how ya do it Steve, I can't ride backwards like that!
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Re: Sports Mufflers

Post by boxertwinjeff » wrote:Am I to understand that "noise' will define a marketable and desirable product ?
Well.......Yes!. Funny, I'm fairly conservative behind the wheel of my Car, but when I'm on Greta
in Open Country, I ride her real hard!, and fast. When I first bought her I was very much in the mind
of keeping her ala. Original in every way, but as times passed I've gradually tuned into Sporting her up.
Her Staintunes do have a nice note for sure, especially when you back off at speed, but now I'm
feeling I wanna crank her exhaust right up a few Decibels, with something thats easily interchangable
and with no Mods....must be that 'ol mid life crisis thing surfacing,..but who gives a ....!
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Re: Sports Mufflers

Post by SteveD »

The Jim Cray Keihans sound great whilst riding them, without being too obnoxious. As for long distance, the ear plugs take care of that. No problem.

No complaints from neighbours, and I start it up at 0630 am on a regular basis. In the past, they have made mention of the noise from a set of ECCO's that I had on a previous bike. They were LOUD! Too loud.

The Keihan mufflers are SS and equal in quality to the Staintunes, whilst being half the price. They're a bargain buy whilst the $OZ is good v the UKP.

Don't be tempted to drill your current Staintunes to increase the dB's. Steve from Dubbo contacted them about doing that and was told it would stuff them up. If you contact them, you'll need to ask for the Jim Cray designed silencers. They don't list them. You'll also need the brackets.Post around UKP110
Last edited by SteveD on Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

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Re: Sports Mufflers

Post by boxertwinjeff »

I'll check those Pommie Mufflers out Stevo, and thanks for the advice on no drilling,
not that I would...I'm no Butcher!
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Re: Sports Mufflers

Post by sabre2 »

I have KEIHAN "Straight throughs" on my '78 RS. I'm sure you've heard them! Really super sound,but don't get "winding it up when the Bogies are about ! Opened up main jet to 170.Music to my ears.
Blue Skies,K.C.
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Re: Sports Mufflers

Post by ME 109 »

boxertwinjeff wrote:I'll check those Pommie Mufflers out Stevo, and thanks for the advice on no drilling,
not that I would...I'm no Butcher!
I have overland mufflers. I drilled 'em.
Sports bike riders reckon they sound good goin' past.
Lord of the Bings
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Drilling stock mufflers

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

Back in 1986 when I acquired my '77 R100/7 there was a magazine writer/wrench by the name of Joe Minton who wrote some articles about improving various makes and models of motorcycles, BMW being one of them. One of the improvements was to drill out the mufflers, making them straight through. He claimed that the sound would be only slightly louder and that performance would, of course, be slightly improved.

Well, I was sold! I wasn't after noise but I would like some better performance. Luckily I had the requisite 1 1/8 inch twist drill and I jury rigged an extension to get it deep into the muffler where the baffle was. Drilling into sheet metal with a twist droll is dicey at best, and before long my twist drill separated from my extension device and was stuck in the bowels of the muffler. But I managed to get it back and eventually drilled through both mufflers.

As for improvements, well I noticed -- nothing! The sound seemed the same as did the performance. Of course my butt dyno wasn't very well calibrated, so maybe more performance was there.

The point of this post is that a "straight thru" muffler is not necessarily a louder muffler. In other words loud mufflers are made loud on purpose. And I suppose it goes without saying that performance isn't necessarily improved either (without re-tuning the carbs anyhow).

I have acquired a set of those lovely sounding Luftmeister mufflers that Randy talked about. (We both listened to the same /5.) I may slip them on to my S bike before long. But I reckon I'll be going back to stock mufflers shortly afterwards.

And I won't be drilling out any more mufflers.

Oh, that Joe Minton article apparently appeared in the August 1984 issue of Motorcyclist magazine (not American Motorcyclist). I wasn't able to find the article on the internet, but I did find the magazine available on eBay, or so I think. ... 0681309855

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Re: Sports Mufflers

Post by teo »

The set of Staintunes on the R65LS sound like '60s-'70s Triumph or Norton - a wonderful muffled snarl. They look great too. I have forgotten what brand the SS pipes on the R75 are but they are quieter with a similar "triumph sound".

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Re: Sports Mufflers

Post by Roy Gavin »

There are good quality replicas of the Dunstall Decibel mufflers around at a pretty good price. I bought one from Trojan Classics in Sydney for around $90-

They look like the Hoskes, and fitted straight on to my R75/7 using the stock angle bracket.

I have an Overland 2 in 1 on the/7, previously with a Staintune which didn't sound bad but wasn't working with the 2 in 1 and killing the midrange. Didn't matter much as I was only using the /7 for club runs with the Royal Enfield crowd ------.

The Decibel works much better, nice and quiet low down, the flat spot in the mid range has gone and when you get it over around 4500 revs it takes off with a wonderful howl.
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Re: Drilling stock mufflers

Post by dougie »

Ken in Oklahoma wrote:Addendum:
Oh, that Joe Minton article apparently appeared in the August 1984 issue of Motorcyclist magazine (not American Motorcyclist). I wasn't able to find the article on the internet, but I did find the magazine available on eBay, or so I think. ... 0681309855
Yes - that is the correct issue for the Joe Minton article.
I've spent most of my money on women, motorcycles, and beer.
The rest of it I just wasted.
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