pmonk wrote:Us ex harley riders might like that. Seriously if you carry them I might be your first customer.
EX harley rider?
I got my first one 3 years ago, and I like it! there is lots to like.. mile of smiles
Swapmeets has lots of used parts you can inspect and know what your getting, instead of those that sell on Ebay and send some other part and call you cheat
my bike is 8 years old and in a differnt world.......
The 37 year old BMW which one can get few new parts for, there is little new for frames or tanks and fenders and the treasured /5 bucket with a decent light for the road
Still there is noththing more exciteing then massageing a little more power or smoother ride or getting some little part to go longer
when my /5 first came to me, I fixed about everything and learned to do more and got pretty good at it to help keep it going...
I have had about every thing weak or legend of MFG happen to me with it, except the 100,000 mile of trouble free use
How much $ for the exhaust are we talking