R100RS fairing - any replicas?

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Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Post by vanzen »

justoneoftheguys wrote: I shoot for the Golden Rule most of the time, but sometimes I miss the mark...
Even in the absence of defining that "golden rule" for himself – Rob said "sometimes".

Conversely, I will always say just what I am thinking –
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Re: R100RS fairing - Any Downers?

Post by Deleted User 287 »

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Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Post by Deleted User 287 »

vanzen@rockerboxer.com wrote:
justoneoftheguys wrote: I shoot for the Golden Rule most of the time, but sometimes I miss the mark...
Even in the absence of defining that "golden rule" for himself – Rob said "sometimes".
Is that a put-down?

Help me out here, MS...
Deleted User 62

Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Post by Deleted User 62 »

dougie wrote:Simple.
One rule.
Don't be an asshole.
Dang... really? ...well, that's it, I'm outta here! :cry:
Major Softie
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Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Post by Major Softie »

justoneoftheguys wrote:
vanzen@rockerboxer.com wrote:
justoneoftheguys wrote: I shoot for the Golden Rule most of the time, but sometimes I miss the mark...
Even in the absence of defining that "golden rule" for himself – Rob said "sometimes".
Is that a put-down?

Help me out here, MS...
Nope. It was just to accentuate the difference between your "sometimes," and his "always." You "sometimes" fail to meet the standards of the Golden Rule. He "always" says whatever he is thinking. To clarify, you sometimes fail to consider others, he never does. Doesn't mean he's being an asshole, just means he isn't filtering, while you are.

I don't know if I really believe him: that he always says whatever is on his mind without filtering, but that's what his statement meant. ;)
MS - out
Major Softie
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Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Post by Major Softie »

Tim Shepherd wrote:
dougie wrote:Simple.
One rule.
Don't be an asshole.
Dang... really? ...well, that's it, I'm outta here! :cry:
Sorry, you can't leave just because of that. Leaving just cause you're an asshole would be being . . . an asshole.

And, that's against the rule. :mrgreen:
MS - out
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Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Post by twist »

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Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Post by R85/8 »

vanzen@rockerboxer.com wrote:
R85/8 wrote:...I was after information, not insults.
No personal offense was intended, R85/8
OK, sorted :)

As far as making your own parts/modifications rather than just bolting on bits, I always prefer a make it yourself solution to a bought one. My username might give a hint as to my ultimate intentions :)

Anyhow, I've come to the conclusion that a new replica is going to be almost impossible to find. In the meantime I've bought most of the lower fairing on eBay, so now I have one and a half fairings, and I'm bidding on a brand new top side. I'm just going to keep buying the bits until I have enough to build a good one. Just in case I've ordered some f/g cloth for a mould, so I may yet end up with a homemade replica if I can't get enough good bits.
twist wrote:rs fairing for sale. just sayin
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BMW-R100 ... 3f0df79d30
Lovely fairing - but only available to the USA.

I have no objection to the cost of the fairing, but after seeing the fractures on the "good" one I have just bought, I'm dubious about the strength of 20-30 year old plastic. Once I have got a few more fairing parts I can come to a more definite conclusion.

One of the things I'm considering is applying a layer of carbon fibre cloth to inside of the existing fairing to reinforce it. Then the brittleness won't matter. I'm pretty sure epoxy will do the job. I'll do a test piece on the worst part once I have enough bits to spare.
New to the forum, but returning BMW owner. (R75/5 1970, R75/7 1977, to K1 in 1989). Not new to making, fixing, or modifying stuff in metal or plastic. Don't need to be taught how to suck eggs, but if you've got a new way, I'm interested :)
Deleted User 72

Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Post by Deleted User 72 »

R85/8 wrote: One of the things I'm considering is applying a layer of carbon fibre cloth to inside of the existing fairing to reinforce it. Then the brittleness won't matter. I'm pretty sure epoxy will do the job. I'll do a test piece on the worst part once I have enough bits to spare.
You will find carbon fiber very difficult to work with. Most of the pros don't try open molding with it. It is too stiff to "lay down" on an open mold, and won't go around corners, either male or female, without a second mold or vacuum bagging to hold it in place during cure.

If I were to repair cracked pieces, I would laminate light cloth both inside and outside the crack area, after tapering both sides' laminate (10:1) towards the crack. The actual crack would be the "valley" between two hills of the original laminate. Fill the valley with laminated glass fiber, sand off the peaks, putty, sand, repeat,...paint. I would also consider re-inforcing large areas, if not the whole piece, with a light cloth laminate on the unseen inside.
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Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Post by R85/8 »

For the reinforcement idea, I was planning on using a 200gsm twill laid on the inside of the existing fairing parts. That way if it didn't conform well enough, I could just cut darts in it rather than get too fancy - it's going to be hidden by paint any way. It also means that the original surface of the fairing remains undisturbed.

I would be doing this to undamaged fairing parts as a preventative measure rather than a repair. However, once I have enough bits to sacrifice one, I'll experiment with repairs on the cracked bits - maybe a heat gun and some plastic welding rod will do the trick.

Anyone know what exactly the fairing material is? It looks like a thermoplastic to me, but I didn't pay attention at the time they were released because I didn't like fairings - now I'm older and gone soft...

As far as making a whole fairing from c/f, I'd expect that to throw up a few challenges.
New to the forum, but returning BMW owner. (R75/5 1970, R75/7 1977, to K1 in 1989). Not new to making, fixing, or modifying stuff in metal or plastic. Don't need to be taught how to suck eggs, but if you've got a new way, I'm interested :)
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