I've had to cancel the October Rally

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Ken in Oklahoma
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I've had to cancel the October Rally

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

I've made a longer posting on the Events board here on Boxerworks:

http://www.boxerworks.com/forum2/viewto ... 0&start=30

But I wanted to get the word out to anybody who might have been contemplating a possible visit.

And I'm extremely cranky about the whole thing.

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ME 109
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Re: I've had to cancel the October Rally

Post by ME 109 »

Ken, I only said I'd like to come.
I din say I was going to come. :mrgreen:

Ya don't have to cancel.
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Duane Ausherman
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Re: I've had to cancel the October Rally

Post by Duane Ausherman »

Now I can remove the rally from my list of things that I would like to do, but can't possilbly get to. Thanks for letting me shorten my list of dissapointments.
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Major Softie
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Re: I've had to cancel the October Rally

Post by Major Softie »

Duane Ausherman wrote:Now I can remove the rally from my list of things that I would like to do, but can't possilbly get to. Thanks for letting me shorten my list of dissapointments.
So, does that mean the rally is no longer one of the things you won't be doing???
MS - out
Deleted User 72

Re: I've had to cancel the October Rally

Post by Deleted User 72 »

Major Softie wrote:
Duane Ausherman wrote:Now I can remove the rally from my list of things that I would like to do, but can't possilbly get to. Thanks for letting me shorten my list of dissapointments.
So, does that mean the rally is no longer one of the things you won't be doing???
What rally?
Duane Ausherman
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Re: I've had to cancel the October Rally

Post by Duane Ausherman »

Major Softie wrote:
Duane Ausherman wrote:Now I can remove the rally from my list of things that I would like to do, but can't possilbly get to. Thanks for letting me shorten my list of dissapointments.
So, does that mean the rally is no longer one of the things you won't be doing???
Ummm, had to think this one out. MS, you are always causing trouble........... with words and thoughts.

Summary, I have decided to still not go to the rally, but I could be talked out of it.
Ask the Indians what happens when you don't control immigration.
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