Almost back together!

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Curt Henry
Posts: 62
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Location: Minnetonka Minnesota

Almost back together!

Post by Curt Henry »

I have gotten the R100GS "Almost back together" Having a few day off work and the rally canceled I was able to get a bunch of work done. In the past 5 days, I have
1. Change oil in all my 4 strokes.
2. Clean the garage and my basement shops.
3. Worked on the trim on three windows that I replaced last fall, there in my "Man Cave" so there is little pressure to finish.
4. Finished installing a Honda GX240 8hp motor on my 30 yo Ariens snowblower, I am ready for winter with my "Hot Rod" snowblower.
5. Spent a day grouse hunting with my old hunting partner Ted and my dog Maggie, we flushed no birds but it was a great day to be in the woods. We had a wet cold spring that kill off most of this year brood.
6. Worked on the R100GS that I dropped a valve last year. All I have left to finish is that the threads where I was plugging the Air Pulse port are buggered up. I need a M16 X1.5 tap to clean up the threads. Repair the threads, install the plug and exhaust system, the R100GS will be back on the road, just in time to put away for the winter.

I has been a good five days off of work.
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Location: Round Rock, Texas

Re: Almost back together!

Post by dwerbil »

Just curious Curt, what kind of coffee do you drink. It must be hi-test. Maybe they sell it down here. :)
It's always a feel-good moment getting so much done like you have.

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04 R1150RT ~ 78 R100/7 ~ 84 RS ~ 93 K1100RS ~ 65 R60/2
Randy in Round Rock
Major Softie
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Re: Almost back together!

Post by Major Softie »

Curt Henry wrote: 4. Finished installing a Honda GX240 8hp motor on my 30 yo Ariens snowblower, I am ready for winter with my "Hot Rod" snowblower.
Well, you still won't have the cool and groovy hydraulic transmission, but it should throw further - especially further than the 30 year-old motor. I'm sure you've seen how much further Hondas throw. I'll be interested to hear how much difference the new motor makes.
MS - out
Curt Henry
Posts: 62
Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:00 am
Location: Minnetonka Minnesota

Re: Almost back together!

Post by Curt Henry »

Major Softie wrote:
Curt Henry wrote: 4. Finished installing a Honda GX240 8hp motor on my 30 yo Ariens snowblower, I am ready for winter with my "Hot Rod" snowblower.
Well, you still won't have the cool and groovy hydraulic transmission, but it should throw further - especially further than the 30 year-old motor. I'm sure you've seen how much further Hondas throw. I'll be interested to hear how much difference the new motor makes.
I will be difficult to compare the new Honda with the old Tecumseh. The old motor was worn, low compression, burned oil and I believe the valve may be burned. At night I would get flames coming out of the exhaust, looked pretty cool.

When the snowblower was new I could blow dry snow 50-60 feet.

I picked up a new in box Honda GX240 for $300. I rebuild the tractor section of the snowblower, new bearing and bushings, less than $400 I have a new snowblower that should last me another 30 years.

I do have a Honda hydrostatic lawnmower
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