another hair brained idea

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Re: another hair brained idea

Post by twist »

Ultimately, though, we might choose to define our own compromise between system efficiency and service efficiency,
even as the specifics of that definition will also re-define the parameters of a necessary level of "personal involvement".
But then you will know that this trade-off / balance is always part and parcel of "hot-rodding", eh ?
I did this with my old Triumph TR6C when I rebuilt it. I recall I had the idea that I could improve the reliability and simplify, and it worked.I wish I knew now what I didn't know then.
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Re: another hair brained idea

Post by Motorhead »

Ditto that Twist

Triumph parts are about 1/2 the cost of BMW parts

And you can build a 283 Lb 70 Hp Triumph

BUT like a Sportster about the same level of comfort
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Re: another hair brained idea

Post by StephenB »

twist wrote: ... to install an S fairing using a modified RT main fairing bracket, so the S fairing will be mounted to the steering head, not the handle bars.
Always wondered whether anybody ever put the necessary steps and mods on paper for the RT spider?

Some of the above is fact, some is fiction, some is my personal imagination and some is just simple truth. [me]
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Re:re-post of photo

Post by Chuey »

I'm not sure if this will be relevant but I tried to put this here the other day and discovered it didn't make it.


This is a shot of the underseat of my Cafe' Racer. You had mentioned putting wiring under the seat and this is just a reference.

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Re: Re:re-post of photo

Post by vanzen »

Chuey wrote: This is a shot of the underseat of my Cafe' Racer. You had mentioned putting wiring under the seat and this is just a reference.
No problem with the reg / rec being under the seat with a minimum of cooling airflow ?
I am considering mounting mine under the gas tank and would appreciate your thoughts ...
( a very tidy arrangement, yours, by the way)
I had originally planned to put the R/R under the seat pan, but still very much in the air-flow,
then reconsidered the location as a matter of consolidating all of the electrics
(with the exception of tail-brake light and associated wiring)
to a place above & / or in front of the engine block.
Last edited by vanzen on Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Re:re-post of photo

Post by twist »

Chuey wrote:
This is a shot of the underseat of my Cafe' Racer. You had mentioned putting wiring under the seat and this is just a reference.

thanks Chuey! I have something along those lines in mind and would like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind. BTW I'll be coming thru your area in Feb or Mar on a trip to San Diego fro Death Valley. Maybe we can meet up for refreshment?
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Re: Re:re-post of photo

Post by Garnet » wrote:
Chuey wrote: This is a shot of the underseat of my Cafe' Racer. You had mentioned putting wiring under the seat and this is just a reference.
No problem with the reg / rec being under the seat with a minimum of cooling airflow ?
I am considering mounting mine under the gas tank and would appreciate your thoughts ...
( a very tidy arrangement, yours, by the way)
I had originally planned to put the R/R under the seat pan, but still very much in the air-flow,
then reconsidered the location as a matter of consolidating all of the electrics
(with the exception of tail-brake light and associated wiring)
to a place above & / or in front of the engine block.

Although this is a /2 frame, it is under the seat just in front of the battery, behind the engine.


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Re: another hair brained idea

Post by kutter »

Photo showing the location
of my Reg/Rec.
About the only place I could find that
had airflow, rubber mounting and close to the battery.

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Re: another hair brained idea

Post by Chuey »

Vanzen, I don't think that unit gets very hot. It has been a very nice part that has given no trouble at all. It may be cooler under the seat than I figure. Thing is, I thought the underseat exhaust would get hot and need venting and/or insulation but it doesn't even get very hot to the touch on the body work. I will probably still cut some vents in the behind the seat hump but they will be a styling thing if I do it. I did get some insulating stuff for the wires that run very close to the mufflers. Some of it came from Watson's Street Works. Some other stuff I got is better but it was a sample from a friend who was repping it.

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frame mount S / mod RS bracket

Post by vanzen »

A well used and battle scarred modified RS bracket for frame mounting an S fairing:
SB 3.jpg
RS bracket required a bit of notching to clear clips / mc,
upper bracket is seen attached at top of H-light bucket:
SB 1.jpg
Detail of lower mounting "post" & carriage pin:
SB 2.jpg
In it's youth, holding a carbon fiber S-fairing w/ flush headlight, modified Duc 900 windscreen:

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