Will sizing be the same? Any thoughts on a good source?
Maybe something like this????

Careful with those Shinkos on the street, Brad. I had a set on my GS that were fine off road, but de-laminated from hiway speeds of ~80mph.bbelk wrote:With mixed feelings I have ordered a set of Shinkos. The good part is that two tires and two tubes were $96 and free shipping.
I will try them out a little before I go to Colorado. There are lots of beautiful twisty blacktop roads in Colorado and the thought that I will be compromised on them bothers me some. I know that back in the day (1970s) I used the cheapest tires I could find because they outlasted the good ones by double. I never could tell the difference. I don't really push a bike very hard.
I used a 250 Kawasaki dirt bike as transportation for years with tires that looked like the Shinkos. I made it then, so I will hope for the best now.
Thanks for all the input.