It is what seems to be a rear main seal leak. It appeared around the same time that I started to run my bike hard and often at redline.
I have replaced the rear main seal a few times. The latest was using the BMW factory tool to install.
The flywheel does not seem to have any issues where the seal rides.
I have replaced the oil pump cover o-ring, carefully measuring the depth of the groove and modifying for proper sealing compression.
I have swapped out the transmission, since I have a rebuilt spare. Both of my transmissions are fresh rebuilds with new seals. The oil does NOT smell like gear oil.
My crankcase breather was changed to a reed style about 8 years ago. There is plenty of evidence of oil coming out of the breather tube.
This leak is bad enough to show signs within less than 1,000 miles and leave drips on the garage floor.
Having previously covered all of this, I thought to check if my crank may be moving around enough to cause this. I have not put a dial indicator on it (yet), but do not feel any perceptible play side to side or up and down.
I took it apart due to a bit of clutch slippage at 90mph at wide open throttle. I thought the oil may have reached the clutch disk, but to take it apart to confirm. In the beginning of this clutch's life, I overly lubbed the splines and some moly 60 made its way onto the friction surface. I had cleaned it up and thought I had salvaged the disk, but maybe not. I am guessing (will confirm) that my clutch slip is not related to the oil leak.
Here are some photos: ... directlink
I am out of ideas of what this could be. I know there is a solution and I feel silly at being stumped by this.
Any ideas on what to check next? I know there is a simple solution....I just need to find it.
Motor has a recent top end build to 800cc and 10:1 compression. It leaked like this before the build.
Thanks in advance for any tips or help.