Slowly working on the seat base and it's padding. Having to go to work gets in the way. Below are shots of how this is shaping up.
The padding is from an old Yoga mat. The cow hide came from a wonderful lady who makes shaman's drums and medicine bags. She gave me some hide. Thank you Vickie.
Started on the frame that will go over the hide and then be bolted to the sear base to hold all the padding and hide down. This is only the start of the smoothing and shaping. Cut out of tread plate. May be the only bit of tread plate to go onto this build too. Now the file goes to work.
Lots of filing and smoothing edges down have been done today. What seemed like millions of holes drilled. Coat of Satin Black has been applied. Stainless steel nuts and bolts are being used to bolt the plates together over the hide and padding. I am loving how this is shaping up.
Once all the bolts are in, I am short by 2 bolts D!OH, some brackets will be made to mount this to the "grill" base. Then I have to source some scissor springs and a garden gate hinge. The hinge will allow the seat to move up and down. Keeping with the industrial feel and look with the gate hinge.
Very narrow to say the least. I have sat on it. Given that the bike will still have its rear shock fitted and the seat will be sprung it should not be too bad. Short runs should be fine.
Thanks to OldGriffo (a mate from BikeMe forums) for the "tanks".
Bit of sizing up and assessing how to mount them. Also will have to make/source a fuel inlet with a cap. Fuel taps will need to be sources and made too. Tanks will be sprayed satin black from spray can.