My left nut....

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Deleted User 62

Re: My left nut....

Post by Deleted User 62 »

Duane Ausherman wrote:I just love it when someone with a lot of dirt bike experience in the teen years knows that all one has to do it bang that twisted front end against a tree and then go back to riding.
I had minimal dirt bike experience in my youth, but when a friend crashed my first R75/5, it was the BMW motorcycle dealer in Tucson who used the corner of his building to knock my forks back into alignment... :shock:
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Re: My left nut....

Post by dwire »

How would I write, "Eee - Gads!" ??? Like that?
1971 R75/5 (SWB)
If you're going to hire MACHETE to kill the bad guy, you better make damn sure the bad guy isn't YOU!
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Re: My left nut....

Post by robert »

"I just love it when someone with a lot of dirt bike experience in the teen years knows that all one has to do it bang that twisted front end against a tree and then go back to riding."

When you are on a trail 10 miles to the nearest dirt road in the middle of the desert, that would be appropriate. Substitute a big rock for the tree.
Bob Distelcamp
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Re: My left nut....

Post by Bob Distelcamp »

Even colder then just dry ice is this... Dry ice and acetone. I forget how cold but I know that it's colder then
liquid oxygen.

So be careful.
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