KauaiSlash5 wrote:
I think it is you who "misunderstood" my question as I never asked for peoples opinions on what they thought was most important -I asked only for recommendations from those with experience- and to those who provided useful information, I am thankful. If you re-read my initial post, you'll see that I did in fact rank the importance of each attribute as I did again in my later post. Thanks for the lesson on the importance of tires and brakes.
I did read your initial post and still do not see any ranking. You describe your desire for durability and ask: "What would you recommend based on looks, durability and handling?" This is a list.
In your later post you say: "As I said in my original post, I am most interested in durability followed by looks then by performance." This is ranking, and, since it is not even in the same order as the earlier list, I still do not know where you ranked these points in your original post. Feel free to explain what I missed in the first post. I recognize that this is not a very important point: I only included it originally to explain why I did not ask about your rankings until the later post. I only include it now because you have told me I am mistaken about your original post and I do not see where I am mistaken.
As far as ranking looks above performance, sorry, I'm not trying to be a dick, but I misunderstood only one thing: how you can rate looks above performance. Thus I asked a question: How can you do that? I understood perfectly that you did not ask for an opinion, I asked how you could hold yours. I'd still love to know the answer.
By the way, if you were looking for responses
only directed specifically at what you would like to know, with no unsolicited opinions, and no questioning of your own positions, you have wandered in to the wrong forum.
P.S. I ran ME77's on my /2, so I'm quite familiar with them as well. I'm not running them down, just asking why you hold the priorities you expressed.