Motorhead wrote:Recent stroke ( going on 1 year since the event, with slowing developments and weakness on going and currently development)
Since I just finished the last construct on my 1 and only BMW ( I decided I need to keep) the work was to help therepy as the exercise was to help me keep and improve
has me looking into easy clutch and maybe a similar idea for the front brake
to keep it personal I'd like a home built idea
thanks for any input
Someone once posted a link to a home-made easy clutch design that used a roller from a sliding glass door. You could also fab one up using chain like the original "Easy-Clutch" and using a derailleur pulley from a bicycle.
For the front, the easiest thing I can imagine is longer arms for the brake hub - so as to give you more leverage. Obviously, modifying the stock arms would be the easiest option, or you could custom fabricated longer arms. Coming up with a longer brake lever at the bars could also help. Both ideas would, like the easy-clutch, trade more lever travel for easier movement, so it will require careful work to avoid ending up with a brake lever that can be pulled all the way to the bars without achieving maximum braking.
Still, you might do better just investigating modern shoe linings to improve front braking. Also, make absolutely sure that your brake is in perfect condition: clean, lubed, and arms at perfect angle. The front brake gets a lot harder to use when it's not properly maintained.