Stalling out

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Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:57 am
Location: Canukstan...north of the checkerboard

Re: Stalling out

Post by moosehead »

Kurt in S.A. wrote:North of the Checkerboard...just noticed that and had to search for that...a place "renowned for rednecks and peculiar behaviour"...what's up with that?? :D

Kurt in S.A. (North of the Mexican Border)
Ha ha....good one Kurt!

Up here, in my corner of Canukistan, the term "north of the checkerboard" refers a famous highway "checkerboard" warning sign indicating a very sharp curve ahead....storey is, only the the guys that can make that particular curve at or above the speedlimit do you say it..." a little crazy' redneck crazy or something like that. It also means that we live just past the "checkerboard" ..."out in the bush".

You must be in San Antonio. My wife and I have been there several times (on business/pleasure) and loved it! Beautiful place. Riverwalk and the zoo are our favourite spots along with Dirty Dick's..but the heat/humidity sure is tough times we've been there. Oh, and the neat hotel (old one) across the square from the Alamo...neat spot! Yeehaww!

So you can officialy refer to us as "north of the checkerboard" :lol:

I'll post a pic of the famous sign for ya soon ;)
Retired from work....not life!
Kurt in S.A.
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Re: Stalling out

Post by Kurt in S.A. »

Yup, San Antonio...I think the hotel is the Menger Hotel...Lizzie Borden was said to have buried an axe in the bar or maybe it was just a maid that was killed there and haunts the place. And Teddy Roosevelt recruited Rough Riders in there.

I take it that you have passed the speed limit test??

Kurt in S.A.
Posts: 463
Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:57 am
Location: Canukstan...north of the checkerboard

Re: Stalling out

Post by moosehead »

Ya, the Menger...lots of history in that place...too bad I couldn't afford to stay there for a night....Lizzie Bordon, Teddy R, spooky but neat.

Yes, I confess, I did pass the speed test....both on 4 wheels and 2 wheels...and...lived to talk about it!

It's pretty tame now since they rebuilt the highway...I think they left the checkerborad sign up for nostelgic reasons :lol:
Retired from work....not life!
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