flow master

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flow master

Post by twist »

hello from the dark side! I thought I'd look in and see what the hot topics are. My faithful '77 R100 is gone, (but not forgotten), and I've replaced it with a 2002 VTR 1000F. It is a Honda and all but it does have some character. Being a v twin makes it kinda lumpy feeling at idle a bit like a beemer. I found a part that I thought I'd present to all of you propeller heads here, it might make a difference in tuning carburation in the boxers. http://www.flo-commander.com/

Maybe not useable with Beemers but I think it should be helpful with any bike with more than one carburetor. Tuning on the fly without having to remove jets until zeroed in.

I still have my '78 R100RS Motosport in storage, in pieces. I need a few more bits but will begin a new rebuild in a few months. Nice to know you guys are all here!
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Re: flow master

Post by chasbmw »

Snake oil, I would reckon........the only claims of power increase mentioned talk about a 1.5-2.00 bhp increase, this on a modern bike producing 150bhp is well within likely errors from back to back dyno runs.

Replica 1070 R90/S (based on 82 RT)
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Re: flow master

Post by Major Softie »

no insult intended to twist, who really has posted here in the past about BMW's, but this really looked a lot like spam.
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power jets

Post by vanzen »

Such devices have been around for decades, the one Twist mentions is simply a new(er) version.
Mikuni offered ( may still ? ) a similar device as an option item for their slide carbs.
"Power Jets" were extremely popular for use on 2-stroke race-snowmobiles
where ambient temperature and altitude changes played havoc with critical (carb) tuning.
Indeed, ease of fine-tuning "on the fly" or "at the track"
to gain that smidgen of optimum performance to "WIN"
will be the device's best (verifiable) attribute.

i.e. Not "snake oil" if the application will suit the criteria.
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Re: flow master

Post by twist »

I posted because there are a few over there on the VTR side that have used this thing to help dial in their carburetor tuning. It's supposed to be a way of leaning out or making the carbs run richer without having to change the jets every time. Once you get close the flomaster is pulled and you adjust with jets. It's not spam MS. I thought you guys might enjoy seeing some "new" devices. I'd never heard of this until now. I know first hand how frustrating it can be trying to tune the carburetors.

BTW, hello to my old friends! Thought I'd drop in and see what you're all up to!

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Re: flow master

Post by ME 109 »

twist wrote:
BTW, hello to my old friends! Thought I'd drop in and see what you're all up to!

You've only been gone two weeks Twist! :lol:
Good to hear from you again ol' buddy.
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Re: flow master

Post by Major Softie »

ME 109 wrote:
You've only been gone two weeks Twist! :lol:
Good to hear from you again ol' buddy.
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Re: flow master

Post by dwire »

Are those intended for 2-cycle racing engines, or something like the Bings on a /5 - or something entirely different? A 2-cycle racing engine, I'll not get into the insanity of winning a race on merely your skill at tuning (leaning the crap out of) one's engine throughoout a race perfectly until on the last lap, if you would have to run another, you'd have no engine; it would have sized; but I never thought a whole lot about the jets in my bike. Run the procedure - that guy you can Google; he's got it down. Unless you're talking major altitude changes, I never even considered when rebuilding my current "bike in a box" to need keep jets around for tuning.

Is that something that is common? There was one other thread here recently about a lot of jetting changes; could it be that the bikes I've worked with were "so stock" they did not need such drastic action as a change in jet diameter? Just curios - I enjoy learning things; especially in ADVANCE OF NEEDING THEM!
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Re: flow master

Post by twist »

from what I can tell, this thing is useful for those who are tuning to a cam or using a carburetor such as a Mikuni that hasn't been jetted for the machine it's being used with. I think this is for use with a 4 stroke engine. I am rethinking my whole idea of stock set up for most bikes. A little tweak here and there but over all the bike was set up by engineers who forgot more than I'll ever know. As I build my R100RS I will keep this in mind. I believe the stock set up is really the best for street use, but a few tweaks make sense, after all, every bike is slightly different.

And yes, it's only been a few weeks but "old friends" is intended for those I've known for a long while on this site. I really respect vanzen, the major and duane as well as the other bleedin deacons. Learned a lot from all of you. Now I'll be asking questions about main bearings and the guts of the motor. The block I have is literally empty. It needs everything.
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Re: flow master

Post by dwire »

Thanks twist. I know it would have been easy for my questioning to appear as if I were badgering you... :oops: That was not it, I just only here see people that often change jets are either A) putting a different non-stock carb on their bike; like moving from the Bing's to Mikuni's or B) Ruined something during a rebuild C) what I mentioned about extreme altitude changes. D) And I never hear any talk of it here, but anyone racing, well one need just almost double the amount of fuel entering the engine when switching from gasoline to Methanol... But I think there is a sub-forum here for the brave knee draggers that could tell you all about re-jetting a conventional carb for use with Methanol at racing venues...

We're all glad to see you back. Good luck with the project - bike-in-a-box. I am pretty well there too as it costs me nothing, but paper and pencil and "AA" batteries for my older digital camera and my time/labor; for if I cannot tell you immediately at the end of the day what I had for lunch, I have indeed come to the point it is very wise and advisable to be shooting pictures and taking notes as I go... Sadly I'll bet I am confused by handful of things when or as the day comes to build her back into a bike; pad & paper and digital pictures aside - invariably I'll miss something!
1971 R75/5 (SWB)
If you're going to hire MACHETE to kill the bad guy, you better make damn sure the bad guy isn't YOU!
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