dwire wrote:Yes, the snowmobile thing and the little bitty 50cc bikes were the "thing" for those two companies - though SACHS made some phenomenal engines for their snowmobiles.
I wrote up a post and I know, of the sacrilege of it all about that RUPP 125cc Motorcross Racing bike and made its own post - maybe some day someone will run across it and say, "Hey I've seen or had one of those!" Or, "I watched one of those win races at XYZ" This way I don't sound crazy and I did not want to clog up the steering head bearing thread further with OT material. So I made my own thread for it. Maybe one day someone will see it and post to it or contact me with their experience(s) with such a unique and rare bike. Here's the thread on its own. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4960
What I do want to mention and others may freely comment positively or negatively is the following. As I am sure some of you here have noticed, just like this clamp I could not quite grasp, I truly DO use the search funtions here and elsewhere and if the cards fall my way this winter, I would like to complete what we used to call on a vintage car, a ground up - or body off restoration on the bike. I as I guess for better or much, much worse am a different sort of person than many here or elsewhere. Occasional that works to my advantage, just as often, it does not. But if anyone has noticed, I have been asking questions to sort of "prime" my mind for the task, as I know how to use the search functions here. I am well acquainted with Duane's site and over the years, he has granted me so much latitude in my inexperienced, or easily confused - or just simply CONFUSING questions. I too can that all for that not to taking anything away from any of the other wonderful patient folks here that have reached out to help me, but I thank Duane deeply for his patience, for if I recall correctly my first meeting with Duane was via the old phorum, and shall we say less than gratifying.![]()
What I am eluding to is we all both "work" differently as well as think differently. Myself, I have been posting on regular basis's here questions that are for my benefit when the time comes. Will I recall all the answers or get them right? Of course not, but since I know it was a thread I started, or participated in and we all learned from, I can use that little search box and refer right back to it in a flash. Everyone has their own way of doing things, for better or worse. I often see that those that post with immediate problems occurring "RIGHT NOW" perhaps partially due to their haste to want a solution or a myriad of other reasons, it makes something simple, like checking and changing ones dead generator (alternator) bulb something that need not be so complex. So I apologize if my style or habit of asking questions as I learn more and more about it while my bike is not 110% If preemptively asking questions while the bike is in boxes is an irritant to the community here then perhaps I can modify what I am dong, but I just know from prior experience, I may not need know the entire answer or procedure - but just that I know I had a discussion of one here or elsewhere will allow me in my moment of need to use search functions and such to call that back up with no need to trouble anyone.
Not sure if any of this makes a lot of sense, but.. I'm an imperfect sort and have always been of more use in person than in my writings as I can spit out manic ramblings most can keep up with in person and keep people's attention far better than a medium such as this, but I digress. If the forum community would rather have me on and off of here all day long each day I am doing something to my bike on tear down or reassembly, I guess I could go there; my philosophy has been to try and make a preemptive strike on that which I don't understand and either be done with it entirely, or know I can refer to it when the time arises... Thanks to the forum community.
Too many words, not enough content, sorry, brevity may be your best shot.