Hi 2valve,
like the others said, a parts list might help. What are you after?
Seeing as though you are in Australia, there are some second hand sources available. Melbourne has a good airhead parts guy who posts stuff (PM on it's way). I've got a fair few R90 bits and bobs. Like already mentioned second hand from German ebay is also great.
For new parts, I think you'll find that Germany is the place to buy for us at the moment. I've spent a lot of money with Motobins last year, who are great to deal with, and have an easy to understand catalogue, but we are just getting a lot more for our dollar with the Euro instead of the pound right now. (don't forget that most German quoted prices inclued 19%VAT which we don't have to pay). The German sellers are also great to deal with.
There are a lot of German airhead parts sellers.
http://www.motoren-israel.com/, I'm about to use
http://motorrad-stark.de/, and I know there are a lot of other ones I have stumbled across in the past.
I didn't quite understand what you meant by the two parts that you need. If you need to buy new barrels and/or pistons, it might be worth looking into the siebenrock aftermarket stuff- their power-up kits. Depending on what side of September 1975 your R90 was made, there are two full kits for the R90 (1000cc nikisil barrels 9.5:1 CR, lightweight graphite forged pistons, lightweight gudgeon pins, and circlips and new rings). You get an increase in power and torque, and a serious update in technology. The later R90 kit looks like it costs about Aus$763 (from Siebenrock) before postage, the earlier R90 kit, about $835.
Not cheap, but if you can even find brand new stock stuff, neither is that.
I've got a kit for my G/S that will go on it soon- very nicely made stuff and reports from long term reliability are very good.
Anyway, good luck.