Rear drive question:

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Major Softie
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Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:46 pm

Re: Rear drive question:

Post by Major Softie »

Vanzen's whole assembly looks much more massive than the black one. The design of the black bike might well hold up if assembled from the stronger parts that Vanzen's is made up of, but it's still poor engineering. Beautiful workmanship, but lousy engineering. I can't imagine why the pivot wasn't placed at the top of the U unless there's some clearance issue I'm not seeing.

Oc course Vanzen's is a monoshock model, but in this photo you can see the advantage of his design: it is modular and thus you can easily change the shock mount yoke to change ride height or accommodate a different shock or shock length. It also certainly looks stout enough.

The dog looks strong too.

MS - out
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Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:56 pm

Re: Rear drive question:

Post by Chuey »

I'm not sure yet how mine will line up the shock. On the black bike, they could have used gussets, or "wings" to spread the load from the extension back down to the "U" shaped part of the assembly.

Mine will not be wood, by the way. :)

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