No lip at all in top of cylinder, just a little bit of carbon.
Can still see the hone marks on the bore.
Piston (full dome 9.5 to 1 ?) stamped 93.97. Read all I can find
on Snowbum, this site and adv rider. Original top ring gap in
cylinder 0.58mm at upper edge of wear limit. New rings (Motobins)
top compression ring gap 0.45mm good.
Oil ring single rail will internal coil spring end gap 0.45mm .

Clymers states (P198 - all other models) 0.25 - 0.40 mm.
Also Snowbum states that iron bores and Nikasil bores do not
use the same material in the rings.
My new rings state R100/7 T, R100 T/C . Are these the correct rings
or have I got the wrong parts . Bins was given 5/81 R100RS and VIN 6077429.
Got to track down some Threebond for the cylinder sealant as yet.
Have read all about how to do it. I am presuming that the sealant has to be applied
to the cylinder base as well as to the crankcase. This is not mentioned anywhere
that I have able to find. Most sealants require both surfaces to be coated.
Advice, experiences , how you did it ???
been able