Boxerworks Spring Rally is on!

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Ken in Oklahoma
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Boxerworks Spring Rally is on!

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

I'm really ready for a Boxerworks rally. As usual at my place in Oklahoma. I've made a posting over on the Events board under BMW specific. Here's the link:


I'm posting this notice here here and on Speakeasy because that's where most of us hang out. I don't want to break the rules and have somebody tell me that as an official moderator I should know better.

I'll be sending emails to those people whose addresses I have, but there are a lot of people I'll miss. So you guys might help me get the word out.

One thing I've learned about having a rally, it's a lot easier if I'm already in place and have been for a while, instead of that place in Boise, Idaho. Too much can happen, such as it did once when I became ill.

There are too many people I haven't seen for too long.

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richard t
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Re: Boxerworks Spring Rally is on!

Post by richard t »

I'm looking forward to a May rally
Duane Ausherman
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Re: Boxerworks Spring Rally is on!

Post by Duane Ausherman »

I have an outside chance to make it. It has now been some 5 years since I took a major drive around the USA and I miss it.

I am supposed to be working only 1/2 time now, but we keey having to fire people and I do the training, so it is more than 40 hours per week for this month.

One might think that with all of this unemployment, people would actually be willing to work. Not so.

We will see.
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Ken in Oklahoma
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Re: Boxerworks Spring Rally is on!

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

Let's hope you can make it Duane. I think I may have forgotten how to tune airhead carbs by ear. :o

And maybe we can refresh each other about the desirability of teaching countersteering to new riders. ;)

I"m pretty sure I remember how to preload wheel bearings though. :D

P.S. If you still do wheel bearing shims, maybe bring some along. Somebody always needs them.

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