Garnet wrote:A sad day today, I sold my /5 . . .
. . . After a lot of navel gazeing I came to the realization that you can have too many airheads. Sorry Ken. . .
A sad day indeed, Garnet. My condolences. That is a sweeeeeet looking /5!
If it's of any consolation my dictum "There's no such thing as too many airheads" has declined in personal intensity. For one thing I've noticed over the years that it's a major task to keep as few as 3 running at the same time. I also notice that I'm not much on the lookout for airheads any more. (With the exceptions of a nice R90S preferably Daytona Orange, or a /5, preferably toaster tank, or a /2 conversion, preferably any /2 conversion.) Why, the summer before last I even turned down a short wheelbase /5 that I had seen on the Boise Craig's list. Though it seemed to run reasonably well, it was an over priced rolling project bike.
Of course I may not be in my "normal" frame of mind. I'm finally near completion of my dream shop in Boise. But it will take all of this coming summer to make it a workable shop. It's hard to explain but that means building a lot of things like shelf building, wall racks, and other storage systems. And then getting pretty much everything in boxes to go on the shelves, properly labeled as to contents. Also equipment made functional, rolling stands for power tools, finally mounting my Harbor Freight tire changer, and the much needed refrigerator bought and stocked with liquids. OK, so some of that isn't that hard to do.
And when I'm done I'll be able to give my airheads more well deserved attention.
So I like to think I comprehend your situation.
Ken, sympathetic in Oklahoma