Hi again guys.
The r65 is on the road,tested and taxed ,too bloody cold to ride at the moment.
I want to do a bit of distance work when the weather gets better and I want to go two up with my wife.
The problem is my wife is petrified from bikes and I think adding a backrest for her would make her feel more secure.
Any suggestions as I've scoured the web for a backrest and I've not came across any apart from an add on backrest but this bolts to the pannier frames,Unfortunately I don't have any pannier frames so I has looking for a backrest that bolts straight onto the frame.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
You are on the right track. The typical backrest mounts in two ways.
1. Part of the luggage system.
2. Directly to the seat or frame and not connected to the luggage system.
One may not realize just how important this is. Of these old BMW motorcycles, the most popular, at the time, backrest was that bult by Reynolds in Salt Lake City. It is commonly knows as the Reynold's Back Rest. It was invented by me and manufactured by Reynolds. I chose them because they were honest and they manufactured the highest quality aftermarket accessories of the industry.
I sent them my prototype for a sample. They liked the mounting, as it was sort of obvious. However, it was a step away from the typical mounting of the industry at that time. They also built another prototype that mounted directly to the luggage rack. Then they sent them out on two bikes for a long trip with two couples. They were supposed to trade off riding to get a wider opinion of what worked best. On the first day out, both couples agreed fully. They hated the totally uncomfortable one mounted to the luggage. So much so that they removed it and bungee cord tied it on for the rest of the trip.
The difference was huge. The one mounted to the luggage was reacting to the up and down movement of the luggage. This translated to a back and forth movement of the back rest. This was beating the passenger in the kidneys. I knew this to a quite small degree, but hadn't figured out that it was so important.
After a year or so, Reynolds asked me if they could sell them to their network. I would still get some commission, so I agreed. The sales had been limited to my mail order advertising and retail sales out of my dealership.
We never had a signed contract, only a verbal one agreed over the phone. From the commission checks I know that they didn't cheat me one penny. That single accessory was the most popular one for BMW for the next several years.
I did quite well for a dream. Yes, the design came to me in a dream. That was my most successful dream ever.
Sorry for the verbosity.
I hope that this will help you find the right item.
Ask the Indians what happens when you don't control immigration.
Duane, this is a question for you. I was looking at a couple of Reynolds 150 backrests on ebay. From what I understand that model is for the LWB. Can it be modified to fit a R75/5 SWB? If that can be done that might be a solution for you Derek1922. Althought I'm looking for one also
Thanks, Ron
For the experiment of discovering if the wife can feel comfortable enough to make dual riding possible, it matters little if the back rest arms got bent around in some ugly manner.
I started with a original hand rail and cut and welded until I had the frame to hold the pad. Then I cobbled up a simple pad for testing. It showed that the idea was viable. You can see the results from the history of the success of that back rest.
Ask the Indians what happens when you don't control immigration.
derek1922 wrote:Thanks guys (especially Duanne),great information,looks like I'll just need to keep my eyes peeled,at least I know they're out there somewhere.
Yeah, you'll find one if you look diligently. A lot of people (like me) buy a bike that has one and then they promptly take it off. If you don't know where to look I suggest eBay, or place an ad in the wanted section of the IBMWR online classifieds. I've bought several items through the years via IBMWR. Do be cautious though. There are, or at least used to be, a few scammers who will respond to you ad. Engaging them in a bit of email dialog and getting some pics will help you know which responses are genuine. I've not been scammed, but I have bought a couple items that were misrepresented. But in the balance I've been way ahead of the game.
Another alternative, if you're a BMWMOA member, is to check the classifieds on their website. I believe they still have them.
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