bmw r65 backrest

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Duane Ausherman
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Re: bmw r65 backrest

Post by Duane Ausherman »

Here is an example of giving.
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Re: bmw r65 backrest

Post by derek1922 »

Duane,I thought this was going to be a bit shmaltzy but i liked it,thanks.
Duane Ausherman
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Re: bmw r65 backrest

Post by Duane Ausherman »

I too was surprised.
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Ken in Oklahoma
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Not Impressed

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

When the video started playing I thought it was an ad of some kind.

Turns out it was.

It was somebody exhorting me to do what I might not otherwise do. And all I had to do was turn loose from some unused money. That's a little bit like an ad, isn't it? Still, I was interested in more happiness, so I watched on. Let's hear some more. After all, the video got a couple good reviews on Boxerworks.

So I watched on. Yes, it turns out that money can buy happiness! Spend it on others or even yourself. Just spend it in the right way. And that right way might even be intangibles such as experiences and so forth.

Earlier in the video I had learned that studies had shown it to be so. Cool! I hoped to learn a little more about those studies. But there was no detail forthcoming. No names of studies even mentioned. In my cynical way, in the absence of the names of the studies, I imagined that they might have been conducted by the same group that invented the happy face.

Then I thought of my own experiences, vis-a-vis "free" money buying me happiness without spending it on the types of things mentioned in the ad. My siblings and I have inherited a modest amount of money from our parents recently. My share of the money has helped me establish my home in Boise, and the building of the shop behind it. I was able to do these things with a bit of a buffer, meaning I would have that much more money available to see me into my dotage. And you know, that has made me feel more comfortable, if not actually happier.

Maybe the way I "spent" the extra money (even though in effect I held on to most of it) has made me a bit happier. But I was already headed that way on my own. And the video didn't really cause me to think I was missing out on anything by not spending it on others or on new experiences.

And I was smart enough to realize that, though I've been craving a Daytona Orange R90S, that the $15K or so I spent on it wasn't going to be a good buy, happiness wise.

So, I'm not discounting the value of the video, especially for others, but I disliked the "sales pitch", i.e. we know something you don't. Spend the money as suggested and you will be happier.

Ken, happy in Oklahoma (or so I think)
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Duane Ausherman
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Re: bmw r65 backrest

Post by Duane Ausherman »

I just know that I have been blessed with a life time of great experiences. The very best of them is related to helping out the students. Linda and I both would tell you that helping them has been the most gratifying thing in our life.

I can't say it works for others.
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ME 109
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Re: bmw r65 backrest

Post by ME 109 »

Duane Ausherman wrote: Linda and I both would tell you that helping them has been the most gratifying thing in our life.
.........and all along, I thought it was about getting people together.......on their cellphones. :P
Lord of the Bings
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