Dismantling a speedo to cure noise.

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Dismantling a speedo to cure noise.

Post by SteveD »

This is a problem from another forum.

The speedo operation is noisy and seems to come from the speedo unit itself. The cable is correctly seated. The noise isn't there if the cable is disconnected (expectedly).

Has anyone dismantled this particular part before? I don't mean disconnecting it from the speedo itself, but actually pulling this apart to service the moving bits?

Picture nicked from Randys repair guide.
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

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Re: Dismantling a speedo to cure noise.

Post by melville »

I got that far into my tachometer and lubricated it from without with a thin oil to cure a noise best described as 100 flagellated hamsters. I did not remove any of the tiny screws seen in the picture.
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Re: Dismantling a speedo to cure noise.

Post by dwerbil »

Steve, there's been a couple of times my speedo, at first gear speeds, would make a awful racket. The cure for it both times was to remove the part shown in the photo, and then to use a small shot of lithium grease inside of the other side. A little bit too around the gear and housing on the outer side would be a good idea. Other types of thin oil should work too; just not too much of it. That should be good for several more ten's of thousands of miles. There shouldn't be a need to take apart anything else.

Next time, whenever that is, I go into the speedo, I'll take a photo of the underside with a descriptor fixing same.

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