woodpile wrote:If I order the bumpers and anything else from BobsBMW which is only 2hrs from me I'll have them by Wednesday,the rebuild kit from Huckys would cost a lot more money in shipping to get it by then.I'll just have to see what happens in the morning.
Hucky will ship it with tracking in a small flat rate box, about $6. Kit includes all bumpers, seals, crush washers, springs and wiper rings to rebuild two fork tubes. Both times I've rebuilt forks, I've needed everything in the kit, with the possible exception of the wiper rings...
I agree that this wont fix all of the front end problems it may have,i was just hoping to do a fork rebuild when I"m set up to tackle that job.Since I just moved my workshop is 10x6 metal shed without electricity,water or compressed air,I don't even have a workbench yet. I know from experience that any major job can turn into a disaster like that. I tried to take the top 36mm nut off this morning and all did was turn the damper rod,now I'm not even sure how I can get the forks off of the bike.The last thing that I want to do is make it worse while trying to fix it.As for the /2 VW,its another box of headaches,I'm saving to get the trans modified again,right now it makes more noise than the engine!
I can see why you wish to just cobble it back together to get on the road. If you wish to ride at highway speeds, I suggest that you test the forks carefully for stiction. One the SWB /5 fork, any stiction usually means it will wobble. You really don't want a wobble.
Ask the Indians what happens when you don't control immigration.
Duane I've read your article on wobbles,I think its one of the last things that I want to experience ! Any idea on how to get the 36mm nut to break loose? There was corrosion under the cap,I fear that the threads have welded together. My gut instinct whenever I get an old vehicle is to tear it down and rebuild it,I'm not really trying to cobble it or half ass it,but for now I'm only trying to fix what is broken.
After taking the day to think it over I believe my best course of action is to rebuild the forks and do the alignment .I know I won't be satisfied until its just exactly perfect. Would an impact gun damage the top fork nut? I can't figure out any other way to break it loose. A 36mm socket and breaker bar sure didn't do the job.
Some penetrating oil and an impact gun, starting on 'low' would be a good option.
Depending on the condition of the fork nuts, you may need to machine the radius off the end of your 36mm socket in order to get the most contact with the nut.
Once the nuts are damaged from progressive attempts at removing, things can become difficult.
Thanks for the help. I'll probably push it the garage down the street and have them take it off since I don't have a compressor yet. I'll get my local machine shop to do the socket for me even though I work in an enormous machine shop on a military base. Bringing your own projects in is strictly verboten!
Two birds with one stone........ Perhaps take a 27mm socket to the machinist as well, and get them to take about 1.5 - 2mm off the od.
The swing arm requires a 27mm socket and 'most' sockets need to be turned down on the od, otherwise they won't clear the frame.
Having suggested this, I am assuming that a /5 is the same as a /7 in this regard.