After I rebuilt the carbs I decided to try to adjust them using vacuum gauges. I took my old boots between the carbs and head and modified them for a vacuum port. Pretty easy, I used a small brass tube with a brass washer solder on the end. Fit them through a hole from the inside out and I had access ports. So I played with the set up, trying to see what changed when I tweaked the idle screw or the mixture. Did notice a difference between the left and right cylinder, moved screws, burned finger, but could not get them even, left side had more vacuum at idle then the right. Could it be valves, age, or just characteristics of the bike?
Another worry, even though all parts in carbs are new, jets, emulators, floats, needles, diaphragms, o-rings, right carb would leak when right petcock opened up, but just sometimes.