Hi-Low and turn signal switch issue

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Re: Hi-Low and turn signal switch issue

Post by bbelk »

justoneoftheguys wrote:If you take the switch apart, do it in a large plastic bag so the ball bearing and spring will be caught.

You might start saving up for a new switch. They aren't really that expensive considering how long they last and all they do for you.

01.....61 31 1 244 418.....COMBINATION SWITCH WITH CONTINUOUS LIGHT.....$157.59
01.....61 31 1 244 410.....COMBINATION SWITCH LEFT.....$181.39

http://www.maxbmwmotorcycles.com/fiche/ ... d=04302013

The second switch is the "Euro" switch that allows you to turn off your headlight.
The Euro switch was the only one I could find a year ago. It worked fine and figuring out the headlight was tons of fun. Hint, the USA headlight relay needs attention.
khittner1 wrote:"Buy a new one" as a first response wouldn't seem like the Airhead Way. Isn't there a lengthy webpage treatise available on handlebar switch rebuilding techniques, complete with sidebars on various solder types and techniques, competing plastic epoxies, supply houses for replacement springs, detent balls, etc., discussions about the merits and shortcomings of using various solvents, lubricants, water dispersants, etc. on delicate mechanisms and circuitry?
This is really good.
Chuey wrote:
justoneoftheguys wrote:If you take the switch apart, do it in a large plastic bag so the ball bearing and spring will be caught.
You may find an appropriate plastic bag at the refrigerator store. Remember, though, don't let anyone close the top when you're in there!

Another +1
1975 R90/6
1979 R65
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