It's all in Deutsch, so I've include the "Google Translate" translation below.
I was just wondering if anyone knew of a guy who's uncle had a friend that knew someone that had one of these kits and what he thought of them.

The Delivery
For the conversion of 2V + 4V boxers with Bing / Bosch engine management on an ICM we offer the following parts:
two 42mm / 45mm / 51mm throttle bodies with nozzles
Fuel pump with fuel pressure regulator
ICM box with PC monitor cable + PC
Sensors with wiring harness and connectors
Ignition coils with
Mounting hardware, instructions and TÜV papers
E1160 ICM box with PC software, interface cable and manual 597, - € *
E1164 Electric ICM kit box with all cables + connector + sensors, 2 + 2 Ignition MotoCoil 997, - €
E1166 Electric ICM kit box with all cables + connector + sensors, 2 + 4 TwinCoil Ignition 1097, - €
E2302 ICM 42mm for boxers completely normal or double ignition bodysuits, 1897, - €
E2304 ICM 45mm for boxers completely normal or double ignition Bodies 1997 - €
E2306 ICM 51mm for boxers completely normal or double ignition Bodies 2297, - €