DonW wrote:Hi, '92 GS. The little rubber doohicky that covers the odometer reset button finally came off. Any suggestions for a solution? Glue a tiny condom over it

Well, first you need to stretch a new rubber bootie over the cable. It'll give enough, though it isn't exactly easy to do. And stay away from condoms, even on your Beemer. Your wife (if you have one) might not understand. (And I don't even want to think about what your riding buddies might have to say.)
After the new bootie is on I do two more things to prevent a recurrence. First, I fill the rubber bootie with heavy grease. (RTV might be a better choice, though it will be hard to deal with when you need to remove the bootie.) The other thing I do is to tighten a thin zip tie around the neck of the rubber bootie (double wrap), to ensure that the bootie neck stays tight against the speedometer cable jacket.
Oops! Major correction follows:
My advice is for the rubber bootie at the bottom of the speedometer cable--not a reset button. The thing is, my advice was so good I just couldn't bear to edit it out!