1. The Ugly - On my R100GSPD I noticed the stud holding the bottom shock mount to the hub didn't look right. Stud broken inside hub. I reckon I am very lucky the stud didn't pop out while riding - that could have been very nasty.
2. The Bad - Rang the local (Brisbane - Australia) authorised BMW dealers seeking a new stud. One said not available don't bother asking. The other said they would check and ring me back - (insert sound of crickets). Rang an alternative BMW supplier, at least they said it is not a part they stock but would see what they could do. They rang me back with a price and an delivery time of approx 3-4 weeks.
3. The Good - Check the interwebthingy - Bob's BMW shows part available on order 3-4 days delivery. Delivery cost not so good ordering on line. Overseas phone call established a more reasonable delivery cost, ordered over the phone, delivered in just over 1 week
Decided that while having to pull the hub, I would remove the swingarm and check the driveshaft. U-joints appear to be moving freely but shaft a bit out of phase. Decided to purchase a rebuildable driveshaft (thanks John).
Now just need someone to drill out the broken stud.
Perhaps that stud is something to be checked occassionally.