What part number for brakes

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What part number for brakes

Post by rdcamp »

Bike R80RT 1986 Monoshock dual disk front, drum back

So my brakes are squealling like no tomorrow, both rear and front, and I figure regardless its been enough miles I should probably change the pads and shoe.

I've been viewing multiple Fiches and am not able to garner a clear answer as to what I need

Looking at picking up new pads and a drum shoe however I'm unsure as to what part number they are.

The Haynes manual I have is hopelessly out of date when it comes to part numbers.

These are some aftermarket parts I'm looking at for front and rear http://www.2wheelpros.com/brakefinder-f ... rotor.html
Duane Ausherman
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Re: What part number for brakes

Post by Duane Ausherman »

Don't spend money just yet. Take a look at the rear shoes and linings first.
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Major Softie
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Re: What part number for brakes

Post by Major Softie »

First, take a look at BOTH (pads and shoes) and make sure you really need replacements. A previous owner could have replaced the pads and they may just need some "brake quiet," a gooey product that goes on the back of the pads.

EBC makes great products. Of the ones on your link, the organic pads are much easier on your rotors. The HH pads will give superior braking, but they will wear your rotors much faster than stock or organic EBC pads (HH might eat your rotors in 50k miles, w/ organics, the rotors will probably last forever). Only you know how your preference matches up between cost and braking performance.

For factory parts (and part numbers), most online dealers now have the fiche online. I know A&S does, as does MaxBMW.
MS - out
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Re: What part number for brakes

Post by Toga »

I recall a friend years ago was always commenting about squeaky brakes.
At a bike rally this one bloke said if the rider style is very sedate and lite on breaking it is possible to find a glazed build up on the pads / shoes. Immediate inspection did in fact show a mild hazzy gloss on the rear shoes. The bloke gobb smacked my friend by grabbing a small file he had and began to lightly rasp up the surface. The noise disappeared.
Never have been quite sure if that really was the case or if my mate simply stopped hearing things for some other reason.
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