Re: Cleaning an old master cylinder
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 10:26 am
Yes, of course. With my 11mm comment I was alluding to the fact that a 7/16 wrench is virtually the same size as 11mm.The Veg wrote:I have yet to find a metric fastener on this car. It was designed in the mid-'60s, as a development of a model that first came out in '62. I think the British auto-industry started using metric stuff much later. But hey, at least I also have not found any Whitworth fasteners on it.Ken in Oklahoma wrote:No stinkin' 11mm wrench for an Anglophile?
Ah yes, Whitworth fasteners. I think in hell only Whitworth fasteners are ever used. The size marked on the wrench refers to the diameter of the bolt, not the head. Even at the height of my Brit bike love affair I had difficulty picking out the correct wrench to use on the nut or bolt head. And then there's the rounded over threads which are ever so easy to strip.