Re: Big-bore short-stroke?
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:01 pm
I've scraped my valve covers. Both times I was riding on ice. I wish to not do it again.j
I am with you Chuey. I feel like I ride plenty hard and fast, but have never scraped a valve cover. I know plenty of fellow bikes that have scrapped covers, just not mine. I do lean off. Either way, I don't really care.Chuey wrote:DanielMc wrote: He reckons that would give a short-stroke motor of around 850cc with the same cornering clearance as the narrow R65 engine.
Have you ever run out of cornering clearance on a normal R100 bike? I haven't. I want to scrape those valve covers and have come close but have not done it yet. Or is it for the theoretical clearance? For me that's what it would be.