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Re: Non starting update

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:07 am
by ME 109
Sounds like an enricher problem, as it starts fine when warm and idles at a low rpm.
Have the carbys been apart recently? In particular have the enrichers been pulled apart?

Does the bike blow black smoke when it does start from cold?

If it is the carbs, it sounds like both carbs are playing up as one would expect some firing if only one carb was outa wack.

Re: Non starting update

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:52 am
by Sibbo
A carb problem is the only logical solution ,I'm taking it back to the BeeM mechanic in a week or so ,as soon as I can get time to get down there .I talked about the problem with him on the phone yesterday and he has another set of carbs on his shelf to try .I'll leave her there for a few days so he can try a few early morning cold starts .

I'd investigate the enricher myself ,but i don't feel up to dismantling a set of marginal carbs .

Re: Non starting update

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:55 am
by sterob
Checked your compression lately?

Re: Non starting update

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:33 pm
by Sibbo
Seems good , she lovely in every way once started .She started well yesterday in the drier weather .Wet she doesn't like .