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Re: New indicator for worn out fork top seals...

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:41 am
by dwire
OK, here again are the reinforcing pictures; read disclaimer below why I'm re-posting photos; it's between the board being locked down and my house cleaning on one of the web servers at my domain...

Oddly, we can no longer re-edit our posts; bet there was a time limit set, which can be done, or perhaps when the webmistress sorted things out, all of the older topics were locked. So, since I am moving a great deal of data around at my web server at the domain, I'll just put the growler picture back up down here for anyone who has interests. The same will apply to any images embedded in posts here as it would seem there is nothing I can do about it.[/quote]




Re: New indicator for worn out fork top seals...

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:40 pm
by jagarra
Capital Cycle is selling the real McCoy for about $7.00 each, here is a link to their e-bay listing. ... 43b152e9c4

Re: New indicator for worn out fork top seals...

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:33 pm
by dwire
Huh - hey thanks. So I will be fool hearty and ask the question, have people had difficulties with the aftermarket replacements? I'm pretty sure one of these was replaced, of course both are really too hard and would have likely leaked down rapidly - my failure was trying to throw a too short bumper in at the bottom of the fork tube as is marked in the picture. I should have realized taking a measurement of something so rotten as those bumpers were was ill advised to say the least. I need to replace all the wear parts anyhow; sake the tubes, so I guess no big deal. But it was a "double learning experience" for I misdiagnosed what the root cause truly was - it was not the 0 degree weather and the bike strapped down on the trailer that popped them out, it was the slightly too short bumpers I thought would be adequate. Pictures tell the story of how that was not at all the case. They (the local BMW shop) only wanted $25.00 a piece for those bumpers and they were going to order them from Germany too - anyhow lesson learned. Somethings may be substituted; even these bumpers likely could, but they must be the right dimensions to begin with! ARGH!

BTW It never occurred to me that putting the images back in these threads bumped them back up on the forum. This was not my intent; once I figured that out, I stopped; sorry about that...

Re: New indicator for worn out fork top seals...

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:11 am
by SteveD
jagarra wrote:Capital Cycle is selling the real McCoy for about $7.00 each, here is a link to their e-bay listing. ... 43b152e9c4
I bought BMW issue fork seals recently and they were green/turquiose colour.

Re: New indicator for worn out fork top seals...

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:09 am
by jagarra
I went the e-bay route as when I checked with the dealer I buy parts from the seals were NLA. Bought 2 sets from e-bay one set to tide me over until I installed the new set of 90S lowers (they get the set from Capital) and an after market set to address the leaking seals that were on the bike. The set I provided the link to were duplicates to the original items I pulled from the bike.
BTW, I priced the bumpers on line at A&S Cycles and they run about $7.00 or so, I will be replacing all those also when the new lowers are installed, $25 a pop sounds way outta line to me. I like being able to peruse the fiche and order the items I want on line.

Re: New indicator for worn out fork top seals...

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:32 am
by dwire
Absolutely. What upset me most, was I have an old ETK from the days when they (BMW) sold them (and looks like they may be marketing them again, but I've not checked their site or anything...) The application has changed little and the database for the "Mobile Traditions" M/C catalog likely only changes for things that PN's get superseded with different numbers.

I had at that time oh, maybe 3 or so year old prices - yes, their cost, but knew even if prices were doubled which is pretty common and shipping, even VAT we don't have to pay were added there was NO WAY over $20.00 each was appropriate. Plus naturlly the wait for them to arrive. The shop in LA there was so incompetent, I had to go around the parts counter 90% of the time when I needed something and bring it up on their system as they did not even know how to get to the graphic spring tables to figure out what part I needed- sad but true.

I hope he and others have more of such parts as I do have a decent list, but it needs sort of prioritized so that as monies become available, I purchase those things that may not be around when the money IS there. Sort of like my purchase of those special NLA reflectors (the tiny ones) that fit only the 70 and 71's and were screwed into the turn signal pods (not the fork or mounting ear types) to conform to US laws. The reflectors "hold up" but they used a metal around the reflector that rusted out and with the metal crimped over the plastic reflector, those things are a non-repairable item. At the time I went ahead and got two full sets sets (4 amber and 4 red). Now I just hope and pray I did not put the other set on the ex's bike - - don' think I did, but it's funny how such little parts sometimes can turn into gold when they self destruct and are NLA! Yes, somewhere I have a brand new NOS transmission input shaft too, so unless parts come flying out of either a tranny on the bike or the spare, I'd hope to think I am set for a lifetime in that regard...

Once my move is done, the shop is set up and such, I'll take what list I have and run through it and try and prioritize such things that at least I "KNOW" I need. And yeah, $7.00 sounds completely reasonable to me for each one of those bumpers considering we ARE BUYING NEW PARTS FOR 40+ YEAR OLD BIKES! All I can think to say is Thank you BMW and their dealer/distributor system for making this possible for us!

Thanks for the heads up, cheers and I hope your BMW experience has been and continues to be very fun fulfilling and safe!