Turn Signal Clamps - Making Them Tighter

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Deleted User 287

Re: Turn Signal Clamps - Making Them Tighter

Post by Deleted User 287 »

vespajg wrote:I've used coke can shims in mine before and they never failed. Admittedly not elegant, but effective. I'd take the latter over the former any day...
Did you put your shim on the clamp side or behind the "small piece of sheet steel with a serrated edge"?

I'm tempted to go with the clamp side, because I have a Cyber Lite stuck to the inside of the outside of the turnsignal box. That makes sliding the T.S. off the stem a bit more complicated. :(

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Re: Turn Signal Clamps - Making Them Tighter

Post by Chuey »

I just don't think it should be a problem. The tab fits into the slot and holds the unit from rotating so it doesn't need extreme pressure to be secure. I just looked at my box of spares and my conclusion is that maybe bending the hump of the tabbed clamp may help. You could ping it with a center punch right on top of the hump. That would make it tighter. If you deform it much at all, you may have to use a small round file to ovalize the holes inward so the screws will still line up.

Deleted User 287

Re: Turn Signal Clamps - Making Them Tighter

Post by Deleted User 287 »

I raised the serrated piece as Daniel Mc suggested.
Using Pepsi can material (man! That stuff [the drink, not the aluminum!] tastes like shit when you haven't had any in two months!)
I first tried one piece folded twice to be 3-layers thick. Not enough. Another piece folded twice again - now 6 layers.
The T.S. case was now hard to get back on the stalk - "good!" I thought.
Put on the clamp - still rotating freely.
So I ended up tweaking the tabs on the clamp as well as the shims. Better. It's not moving. I just hope I didn't put too much stress on the threads in the case.
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